The Artist

My name is Bethany, I am the artist behind the camera here at Wander Yonder Photography. I am just a person trying to make my way in this world by doing what I love and sharing it with the world. I am obtaining my bachelor’s degree in liberal arts focused on digital photography from Southern New Hampshire University to make my dreams come true by becoming a professional photographer. Can you help me get there?

I feel fortunate in life with the love and support of my incredible husband, Chaz, and the loyalty of my fluffy best friend, Kira. Our life is full of adventures and love and everything we do, we do foreach other. With that being said, my husband is also a photographer, focused on wildlife and landscapes. You can find his incredible work at

If you choose to invest in me, I promise that your experience will be nothing short of an incredible and personable experience. Not only would you be investing in my quality art and helping make my dreams a reality, but you would also be investing in yourself by having tangible moments in time to proudly hang on your walls. Let’s connect and work together to create magical moments to last a lifetime.